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Home | Episode 86: Habitat for Birds & Pollinators!

WBU Podcast

Join John & Brian as they offer resources to help you find native plants to increase the birds and pollinators in your space – whether you have a yard, patio or balcony; to include container gardening.   

Resources Mentioned
Birds Canada Gardening for Birds, Bird Garden Zones, Fact Sheets
Homegrown National Park, Container Gardening Keystone Plant Lists
Xerxes Society Pollinator-Friendly Native Plant Lists
NWF Patio or Balcony Gardens for Wildlife
Search your area for helpful native plant resources from:  
– Soil & Water Conservation Districts
– Landscaping Firms
NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat Program Certify Your Yard 

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To learn how you can open your own Wild Birds Unlimited, visit www.wbufranchise.com