Video Transcript: Say No to Squirrels
(Description: As the video begins, the Wild Birds Unlimited jingle plays and the company logo fades in on the screen. The video title is displayed, “How to Say No to Squirrels.” Two male naturalists from Wild Birds Unlimited are shown demonstrating various bird feeding products.)
[John] Feeding the birds in your backyard sure can be a fun and exciting hobby. Then it can also be a little frustrating too, when our furry little friends the squirrels decide to take part in it. But here at Wild Birds Unlimited, we learned how to say no to squirrels.
[Brian] One of the easiest ways to do that is to set up the Advanced Pole System properly placed in your yard to keep the squirrels from accessing it from the side as well as placing the squirrel baffle to deny access from below.
[John] We have feeders that are individually designed and engineered to deny squirrels by closing off the port like our WBU Eliminator, our WBU Fundamentals.
[Brian] Or you could also use the Wild Birds Unlimited On-Guard Cages with any of our Wild Birds Unlimited tube feeders to deny the squirrels access to your food and feeders.
[John] When it comes to suet, discourage your squirrels with Hot Pepper No-Melt Suet.
[Brian] Another food you can offer would be safflower. Safflower is a food that squirrels tend to not like. You can also place foods like safflower into the feeder where you can drop the lid down a bit further and deny squirrels access to the food.
[John] So when it comes to squirrels, Wild Birds Unlimited has solved the problem and can help you say no to squirrels.
(Description: As the video closes, the Wild Birds Unlimited logo appears on the screen and the music fades.)