Are you looking to attract more birds to your yard? Foundational feeders are an essential part of any backyard bird feeding station. You can get the most out of your backyard bird feeding experience by getting started with one today.
What is a foundational feeder?
A foundational feeder is a feeder that contains a reliable food source for birds 24/7.
You have your favorite places to eat, whether it’s a quick bite or a really nice meal. You trust and rely on them, never considering they might run out of food. Birds are similar. They constantly check their food sources. They may stay and eat a while or just grab a quick bite. But, they want to know they can rely on that food source when weather is good or bad or when times are abundant or lean.
Why do I need one?
Foundational feeders attract 80% of your local seed and nut eating birds. They are key to helping birds improve and maintain their overall health.
Which feeders work best as foundational feeders?
A foundational feeder should be able to accommodate many birds at one time like our hopper, tube or cylinder feeders. It should hold enough food for at least 4 days giving birds a reliable food source, ensuring you’ll have more birds to watch! Be sure it works for you, too, by placing it where it is easy to fill and easy to see.
Want to start a foundational feeder in your backyard? Visit your local WBU to get started!