WBU Podcast
John and Brian bring fun and amazing examples of why crows and ravens are arguably the world’s smartest birds. They discuss studies from some folks who have studied them for decades and introduce one whose fulltime job is taking care of one family group of ravens.
Main Birds Mentioned
American Crow
Common Raven
John Marzluff
Professor in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences within the College of the Environment at the University of Washington
Crows, smarter than you think presentation at TEDxRainier. This includes crows using tools, mimicking and highlights from the mask study we mention.
Kevin McGowan
Senior Course Developer and Instructor, Bird Academy. Kevin’s expertise is in Crows, Behavioral Ecology, Ornithological Trivia, Bird Identification, Translating Science to General Audiences.
Kevin’s crow study, an overview
Crow FAQ
Ravenmaster info can be found here and on Facebook and Twitter,
YouTube Videos
Crow Uses Plastic Lid to Sled Down Roof Over and Over Again
Raven Sliding Down Roof of West Yellowstone Public Library
Food Products Mentioned
Bark Butter foods